
「我有一個夢」I Have a Dream

50前年的今天 five decades ago today 美國人來到這個光榮的地方 Americans came to this honored place 提出權利要求 to lay claim 我們開國時的一個承諾 to a promise made at our founding 我們認為這些真理不證自明 we hold these truths to be self-evident 人皆生而平等 that all men are created equal 因為他們遊行 because they marched 民權法才通過 the civil rights law was passed 因為他們遊行 because they marched 我們的投票權法才通過 our voting rights law was signed 因為他們遊行 because they marched 機會和教育的門被打開 doors of opportunity and education swung open 使他們的子女終於能夠 so their daughters and sons could finally 為自己構想一個人生 imagine a life for themselves 超脫洗別人的髒衣服 beyond washing somebody else's laundry 或是擦亮別人的皮鞋 or shining somebody else’s shoes 但我們也可能會侮辱那些英雄 but we would dishonor those heroes as well 暗示說 to suggest that 這個國家的工作已經差不多完成了 the work of this nation is somehow complete 道德宇宙的軌跡 the arc of the moral universe 或許終歸正義 may bend towards justice 但並非自歸其道 but it doesn't bend on its own. 要確保這個國家所獲得的改善 to secure the gains this country has made 需要時時刻刻的警醒 requires constant vigilance 不是自滿 not complacency 美國總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)在林肯紀念堂臺階上發表演說,紀念50年前,25萬人在首都華盛頓遊行,金恩博士(Martin Luther King Jr.)發表著名演說「我有一個夢」(I Have a Dream)。

