
荷男弄哭警察 菲國禁入境 Philippines bans Dutchman in ’crying cop’ case

陳維真 A Dutch activist blamed for making a Philippine policeman cry was deported and permanently banned from the country, the immigration bureau said Thursday. 移民局週四表示,一名弄哭菲律賓警察的荷蘭社運人士遭遞解出境,且永遠不得入境。 The bureau said Thomas van Beersum was deported on Wednesday after the authorities had picked him out from a photograph that went viral showing him allegedly haranguing a uniformed police officer at an anti-government protest in Manila last month. 移民局表示,當局透過網路瘋傳的照片找到范比爾桑,照片中的他據稱在馬尼拉上月一場反政府示威活動中大聲斥責穿著制服的警察,移民局於是在週三將他遞解出境。 Van Beersum is an "undesirable alien" who violated the terms of his tourist visa by joining a protest, immigration bureau spokeswoman Antonette Mangrobang told AFP. 移民局發言人蒙果邦告訴法新社,范比爾桑違反觀光簽證規定加入抗議,是「不受歡迎的外國人」。 The activist was photographed yelling at a weeping Filipino riot policeman at an anti-government protest during President Benigno Aquino’s annual policy address to parliament on July 22. 菲律賓總統艾奎諾三世7月22日對國會發表年度政策演說時,范比爾桑被拍到參加反政府遊行,對著哭泣的鎮暴警察大吼。 Photographs of the incident, showing policeman Joselito Sevilla crying as he held back van Beersum and other activists, spread around the world on the Internet, and provoked heated debates on social media sites. 員警塞維亞邊哭邊阻擋范比爾桑與其他示威者的照片透過網路傳遍世界,引發社群媒體網站熱烈討論。 The policeman later said he was crying from exhaustion and hunger after a long stint securing the area for Aquino’s speech.(AFP) 塞維亞後來表示,他是因為艾奎諾三世演說維安時間太長,精疲力竭又飢腸轆轆才哭。(法新社) 新聞辭典 go viral:片語,(影像、影片或消息)在網路上暴紅。例句:The video went viral and was seen by millions.(這部影片在網路上暴紅,有數百萬人看過。) harangue:動詞,氣勢兇狠的長篇訓斥、說教。例句:He harangued the public on their ignorance.(他訓斥大眾愚昧無知。) undesirable:形容詞,令人不快的、不受歡迎的。例句:The drug has undesirable side effects.(這種藥有討人厭的副作用。)

