
「不管你在賣什麼 – 這不重要 – 它將隨著時間大眾化,它的價值將會降低,你必須不斷提高商品的價值。」“Whatever business you’re in – it doesn’t matter – it’s going to commoditize over time. It’s going to devalue. You’ve got to keep moving it to a higher value.”

“Whatever business you’re in – it doesn’t matter – it’s going to commoditize over time. It’s going to devalue. You’ve got to keep moving it to a higher value.”
– Ginni Rometty, CEO

– 吉妮‧羅曼媞 (執行長)
commoditize (v.) 商品化,大眾化;commodity (n.) 大眾商品。例:commodity memory chips (記憶晶片商品)。
吉妮‧羅曼媞 (1957- ) 是 IBM 首位女主席及執行長,過去也曾經擔任 IBM 行銷、策略等副總裁職務,她連續 8 年被《財星》雜誌選為「商界最有權力的 50 位女性」之一。

