
「記住,跑步過後的感覺,遠勝過沒有行動、希望你有跑步的感覺。」“Remember, the feeling you get from a good run is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were running.”

“Remember, the feeling you get from a good run is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were running.”
– Sarah Condor, Olympic Swimmer

「記住,跑步過後的感覺,遠勝過沒有行動、希望你有跑步的感覺。」– 泰倫.愛德華茲 (奧運游泳選手)
sit around 長時間坐著、無所事事。例:We just sat around and chat. (我們只是坐著閒聊。)
莎拉.康得爾是美國奧運游泳選手、運動教練,曾經是美國 50 及 100 公尺蛙式游泳的紀錄保持人。她同時也是律師、作家,關注人權議題,著有語言及法律著作、多冊詩集和小說。

