
卡斯楚在演說中痛責古巴人行為不檢 Castro speech scolds islanders for bad behavior

Raul Castro spent the lion’s share of a prominent speech scolding his countrymen for all kinds of bad behavior, everything from corruption and theft to public urination and the odoriferous practice of raising pigs in cities. 拉伍.卡斯楚在一場重要演說中,把大部分時間都花在痛批古巴人民的各種不良行為,從貪污、偷竊到在公共場所小便,以及在城市裡養豬引起惡臭等無所不包。 Speaking before legislators at one of parliament’s twice-annual sessions, the Cuban president railed against decaying morals, a deteriorating sense of civic responsibility and vanishing values like honor, decency and decorum. Castro aired a laundry list of complaints about illegal activities that he said do the country harm: unauthorized home construction, illicit logging and slaughter of livestock and the acceptance of bribes, to name a few. 在國會每年兩次的議程開始前對國會議員發表演說時,這位古巴總統批評國民道德淪喪,公德心下降,榮譽、規矩和莊重等價值日漸消失。卡斯楚還舉出一長串他認為有損國家發展的不法行為清單:非法興建民宅、盜伐山林、非法屠宰牲畜及接受賄賂等,這還只是其中一小部分而已。 He also fulminated against baser examples of "social indiscipline": shouting and swearing in the streets, public drinking and drunk driving, dumping trash on the roadside and even people who relieve themselves in parks. 他同時也嚴厲斥責某些「社會失序」的不良範例,如在街頭喊叫或罵人,公然飲酒和酒後駕車,在路邊亂倒垃圾,甚至在公園裡小便等。 At times, the 82-year-old’s speech sounded like a generational broadside against disrespectful youth who do as they please, a diatribe that could have crossed the lips of many a grandfather. (AP) 有時這位高齡82歲的總統演說聽起來像是長輩在痛批我行我素、目無尊長的年輕人,就像許多阿公在罵自家小輩時一樣。(美聯社) 新聞辭典 lion’s share:不可數名詞,指某事物的最大部分,如I earn a lot, but the lion’s share goes for taxes.(我賺的錢不少,但大部分都拿去繳稅了。) laundry list:名詞,非正式用語,指冗長的細目清單,如She described a laundry list of goals for the city’s schools.(她列舉出該市學校應努力的一長串目標。) broadside:名詞,指猛烈的口頭或文字抨擊、謾罵,如He launched a broadside against the economic reforms.(他對這些經濟改革提出猛烈攻擊。)

