
「賽跑不是倒向快速的或戰鬥倒向強壯的,或食物來到智者、財富來到傑出者、恩澤來到有學問的人;然而時間與機遇皆發生於他們身上。」“The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.”

“The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.”
– Ecclesiastes 9:11

「賽跑不是倒向快速的或戰鬥倒向強壯的,或食物來到智者、財富來到傑出者、恩澤來到有學問的人;然而時間與機遇皆發生於他們身上。」– 舊約傳道書 第九章第十一節
“swift” 是「迅速的」,”brilliant” 是「傑出的」,”favor” 是「恩惠;恩澤」,”chance” 是「機會;機遇」。”the swift”、”the strong”、”the wise”、”the brilliant”、”the learned” 皆屬「the + 形容詞」,也就是「…的人/事」。”nor” 與 “or” 意思相同,但有否定的意味。”nor does food come to…” 這句話把助動詞 does 放在前面,後面的動詞 come 就不必加 s (food 是主詞),再後面的 wealth 及 favor 所接的 come 都省略掉,只剩下 to。

