

“Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.” – Allen Klein, Record Label Executive 「你的態度猶如一盒為世界上色的蠟筆,經常使用灰色,你的人生將永遠看來暗淡無光,試圖透過幽默加上一些鮮明的色彩,你的人生將明亮起來。」– 艾倫‧克萊恩 (唱片公司總裁) •crayon (n.) 蠟筆。bleak (adj.) 淒涼的,令人沮喪的。例:The company’s future looks bleak. (公司的前景看來沒什麼希望。) lighten up 明亮起來。例:The harbor lightens up at night. (港口會在夜晚會明亮起來。) •艾倫‧克萊恩 (1931-2009) 是美國星探與唱片公司經理人,他的客戶包括 The Rolling Stones (滾石) 及 The Beatles (披頭四)。

