
「我發現助人的益處之一是它解放幫助者的心靈。」“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.”– Maya Angelou, Poet

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” – Maya Angelou, Poet 「我發現助人的益處之一是它解放幫助者的心靈。」– 馬雅‧安哲羅 (詩人) •liberate (v.) 使人脫離困境、難過。例:They sent troops in to liberate the country from a dictator. (他們派軍解放這個國家免受獨裁者統治。) •馬雅‧安哲羅 (1928- ) 為美國才華洋溢的黑人作家,著有 6 冊一系列的自傳及 5 冊詩集。她曾擔任民運領秀馬丁路德的分區協調者,後來擔任維克森林大學 (Wake Forest University) 的終生教授。她在柯林頓總統的就職典禮應邀朗讀她的詩「於清晨的脈動」(On the Pulse of Morning)。

