研究顯示,較晚退休與阿茲海默氏症風險較低有關 Later retirement linked to lower risk of Alzheimer’s, study shows
Workers who postpone retirement are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia known to affect the elderly than those who leave their jobs at age 60, a recent survey of nearly half a million European retirees shows.
The study looked at health and insurance records of more than 429,000 former workers in France and found that the risk of developing dementia declined with each additional year worked beyond an average retirement age, said Carole Dufouil, research director at INSERM, a French government agency in charge of the study.
"Our data show strong evidence of a significant decrease in the risk of developing dementia associated with older age at retirement, in line with the ’use it or lose it’ hypothesis," Dufouil said in a statement about the study.
INSERM, in findings presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Boston on Monday, found there was a 14 percent reduction in Alzheimer’s detection in workers who retired at age 65 over those who retired at 60. (Reuters)
阿茲海默氏症協會在波士頓國際研討會發表的這項研究成果發現,65歲退休者,罹患阿茲海默氏症的比率,比60歲退休者少14%。 (路透)
postpone:動詞,延後。例句:They decided to postpone their holiday until next year.(他們決定把假期延後到明年。)
affect:動詞,影響。例句:Both buildings were badly affected by the fire.(兩棟建築物都因為這場火嚴重受損。)
detection:名詞,發現、查出。例句:Early detection of the cancer improves the chances of successful treatment.(早期發現癌症可提高成功治療機會。)
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