
歐普拉(Oprah winfrey)

我在店裡 那個人(店員)顯然不知道 I'm in a store and the person doesn't obviously know 我帶著「黑」卡 that I carry the 'Black' card 所以他們評斷 根據我的外表 and so they make an assessment based upon the way I look 我是誰 and who I am 而我裝扮乾淨 and I cleaned up 我洗過頭髮 還穿上Donna Karan的裙子 I washed my hair and put on my Donna Karan skirt 我知道這種店的一些人可能非常目中無人 and I know those people in the store can be very snooty-pooty 所以我想讓我盛裝打扮 So, I thought let me dress 才不會被拒絕 so I don't get turned away 但這還是發生了 and it happened anyway 所以我猜我穿得不夠隆重 So, I guess I didn't get dressed up enough 美國富豪歐普拉(Oprah winfrey)在美國洛杉磯出席電影《白宮管家》時,談到日前在瑞士購物遭到店員拒絕,引發種族歧視爭議。

