“Imagining what it is like to be someone other than yourself is at the core of our humanity. It is the essence of compassion and the beginning of morality.”
– Ian McEwan, Novelist
「想像你自己以外的人是什麼情況,是人性的核心,那是同情心的本質與道德的開端。」– 伊恩.麥克伊溫 (小說家)
core (n.) 核心,最重要部分。humanity (n.) 人類,人性。例:The killings were a crime against humanity. (那場屠殺是對人類的罪行。) essence (n.) 本質,精髓。compassion (n.) 憐憫,同情。例:compassion for the poor (對窮人的同情)。
伊恩.麥克伊溫 (1948-) 是英國知名小說家,曾獲得多項文學獎提名,其部分小說被改編成電影,包括《陌生人的慰藉》與《贖罪》,後者獲得第 65 屆金球獎劇情片最佳影片獎。