
Berlin Wall’s fall 25 years ago an epic blow to tyranny –Merkel 梅克爾:25年前柏林圍牆倒塌是對專制的重擊

The fall of the Berlin Wall 25 years ago, heralding the end to the Cold War between East and West, showed the world "dreams can come true" and should inspire people trapped in tyranny everywhere, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Sunday.


Festivities to mark the anniversary have drawn more than 100,000 Berliners and tourists to the centre of the once-divided city. Many wandered along a 15-km former "death strip" where the Wall once stood, and 7,000 illuminated helium balloons were perched 3.6 metres high on poles - matching the height of the barrier built in 1961 by Communist East Germany.


"The fall of the Berlin Wall showed us that dreams can come true - and that nothing has to stay the way it is, no matter how high the hurdles might seem to be," said Merkel, a young scientist in Communist East Berlin when she got her first taste of freedom on Nov. 9, 1989.


But even the date Nov. 9 bears historical burdens, as Merkel noted. It was also the day in 1938 of the anti-Jewish pogrom "Kristallnacht", or "Night of Broken Glass", when Nazis carried out attacks on synagogues and Jewish shops across Germany.


"It was a date of shame and disgrace," said Merkel, referring to "Kristallnacht". "So on this 25th anniversary of the Wall’s fall, I feel not only the joy of Nov. 9, 1989 but also the responsibility of German history." (Reuters)


epic:形容詞,史詩的、壯麗的、極大規模的。例如:an epic snowstorm(特大暴風雪。)

herald:動詞,宣告、預示。例句:Returning swallows herald spring.(歸來的燕子預告春天來臨。)

disgrace:名詞,丟臉、恥辱。例句:Such cruelty is a disgrace to humanity.(這種殘忍是人性之恥。)

