


在馬拉威的一所小學,上課時間一到,許多小學生沒有進到教室,反而先來到校長室門口。原來,他們是在「借課本」。馬拉威的小學提供免費義務教育,但是貧窮的家庭仍然面對許多壓力,如制服、書包,甚至連考試卷影印費也要自己支付。其中,課本也是一大負擔。馬拉威小學課本一本要價約新台幣150元,差不多是當地一個月工資的八分之一。有些小朋友揹著空書包上學,跟學校借公用課本,下課後要歸還,回家便無法複習。而公用課本也會有耗損,校方需要不斷補充,才能夠繼續借給孩子們。即便必須用借來的課本,馬拉威的孩子卻仍相當珍惜上學的機會呢!當堂課開始在馬拉維的一所小學,很多學生不進入課堂。他們到校長辦公室來代替。原來他們需要“借教科書。” 馬拉維的小學提供免費義務教育。但是,貧困家庭仍然面臨支付壓力校服,書包,甚至影印自己的試卷。在這些成本中,教科書是一個很大的負擔了。在馬拉維,一所小學課本的費用約為150元。它是一個月的工資幾乎第八。有些孩子隨身攜帶空空的行囊去上學,並使用公共書籍。當下課了,他們必須歸還圖書。這意味著學生不能審查在家裡。此外,公共教科書遭受了很多的磨損。學校需要更換舊的書籍不斷地讓孩子可以繼續借用。即使他們不得不使用借來的課本,馬拉維的孩子仍然珍惜這個機會去上學!

When class starts in an elementary school in Malawi, many students don’t enter the classroom. They go to the principal’s office instead. It turns out they need to “borrow textbooks.”

Malawi’s elementary schools provide free compulsory education. But poor families still face the pressure of paying for uniforms, bags, even for photocopying their own exam papers. Among these costs, the textbook is a big burden, too. In Malawi, one elementary school textbook costs about NT$150. It’s almost an eighth of a month’s wages.

Some children carry empty bags to school and use the public books. When the class is over, they must return the books. This means the students can’t review at home. Also, the public textbooks suffer a lot of wear and tear. The school needs to replace old books constantly so that the children can continue to borrow them. Even though they have to use borrowed textbooks, Malawian children still cherish the opportunity to go to school!

