
「一個傑出的人,不是在炫麗的一刻展現他過人之處,而是在他每天的工作裡。」“If a man has any greatness in him, it comes to light, not in one flamboyant hour, but in the ledger of his daily work.”

“If a man has any greatness in him, it comes to light, not in one flamboyant hour, but in the ledger of his daily work.”
– Beryl Markham, Aviator

「一個傑出的人,不是在炫麗的一刻展現他過人之處,而是在他每天的工作裡。」– 白芮兒.瑪克罕 (飛行家)
come to light 展現,讓人知道。例:Some of the artist’s best works did not came to light until he passed away. (這位藝術家一些最出色的作品,在他死後才被人發現。) flamboyant (adj.) 炫耀的,浮誇的。例:Some flamboyant moves in martial arts are not very practical. (一些武術的招式其實是華而不實。) ledger (n.) 帳本。
白芮兒.瑪克罕 (1902-1986) 是出生於英國的肯亞作家、飛行員及冒險家,也是首位獨自駕機飛越大西洋的女飛行員,她的回憶錄《夜航西飛》(West with the Night) 為文學經典,紀錄她非洲狩獵、訓練賽馬,以及飛行的經驗。

