
葉門兒童新娘是貧窮、傳統的受害者 Yemen child brides the victims of poverty, tradition

Forced into marriage when she was only 13, Saadah is now back in her impoverished Yemeni family’s cramped home with two children, little money and dreams of returning to school. 當被迫進入婚姻時,莎妲年僅13歲,如今她帶著2個孩子、身無分文,抱著返校就學的夢想,回到她貧困、擁擠的葉門家庭。 "Child brides," or "death brides" as they are sometimes called, are quite common in poor, tribal Yemen, where barely pubescent girls are forced into marriage, often to much older men. 「兒童新娘」有時被稱為「死亡新娘」,在貧窮的葉門部落相當常見,在那裡勉強進入青春期的女孩被迫結婚,對象往往是年長許多的男子。 Saadah’s ill father, no longer able to sustain his family, married her off five years ago. But her husband soon began forcing her to beg on the capital’s streets with her boys until she fled back to her parents’ home. 莎妲生病的父親不能撐起家庭,5年前把她嫁掉。但她的丈夫隨即逼迫她帶著兒子在首都街頭乞討,直到她逃回娘家為止。 "He would beat and verbally abuse me and my family," says Saadah, now 18, whose name means happiness in Arabic. Her two boys, aged three and four, look on as she recounts the nightmare of her marriage. 「他會毆打我,出言侮辱我和我的家庭。」現年18歲的莎妲說,她的名字在阿拉伯文裡意味著幸福。在她講述婚姻夢魘之際,她那兩個分別為3歲、4歲的兒子在一旁觀看。 Her 16-year-old sister Amnah was also forced to marry, and wed a man who agreed to pay her father’s 93 dollars worth of debt three years ago. 她16歲的妹妹阿瑪娜3年前也被迫嫁給一名同意償還其父價值93美元債務的男子。 She was also abused by her husband before she escaped after just five months with him. "He once put a dagger to my stomach and dragged me out of my parents’ house. He then beat me on the street in front of everyone before taking me back to his house," she recalls shyly.(AFP) 她也被丈夫虐待,在逃亡前她和他只共同生活5個月。「有次他將一把匕首抵在我的肚子上,將我從娘家拖出去,然後當眾在街上毆打我,才把我帶回他家,」她羞怯地回憶說。(法新社) 新聞辭典 marry off︰口語,把…嫁掉、為…找對象。例句︰Her mother is always trying to marry her off.(她母親總是想把她嫁出去。) look on︰動詞片語,旁觀。例句︰People just stood looking on while the old woman was robbed.(這名老婦被搶劫時,人們只是站在一旁觀望。) recount︰動詞,詳細敘述、描述。例句︰The explorer recounted his adventures in a number of books.(這位探險家在許多本書中描述他的冒險經歷。)

