
「讓我感興趣的是,某些時刻是一些人的突破點,但對其他人卻不是。當你經歷困境,有些事情幾乎是不可置信的困難,且沒有任何要好轉的跡象,而那正是人們放棄的時刻,但有些人卻不會。」“I’m interested in that thing that happens where there’s a breaking point for some people and not for others. You go through such hardship, things that are almost impossibly difficult, and there’s no sign that it’s going to get any better, and that’s the point when people quit. But some don’t.”

“I’m interested in that thing that happens where there’s a breaking point for some people and not for others. You go through such hardship, things that are almost impossibly difficult, and there’s no sign that it’s going to get any better, and that’s the point when people quit. But some don’t.”
– Robert Redford, Director

「讓我感興趣的是,某些時刻是一些人的突破點,但對其他人卻不是。當你經歷困境,有些事情幾乎是不可置信的困難,且沒有任何要好轉的跡象,而那正是人們放棄的時刻,但有些人卻不會。」– 勞勃‧瑞福 (導演)
勞勃‧瑞福(1936-)是美國知名演員、導演及製作人,曾獲得奧斯卡「最佳導演獎」及「終身成就獎」的肯定。他是 2014 年《時代》雜誌百大人物之一,極力支持美國獨立電影人和影片,被譽為「獨立影片教父」。

