
「人的心智比什麼都有彈性,我們被要求的愈多,可以完成的就愈多。」“There is nothing so elastic as the human mind. The more we are obliged to do, the more we are able to accomplish.”

“There is nothing so elastic as the human mind. The more we are obliged to do, the more we are able to accomplish.”
– Tryon Edwards, Theologian

「人的心智比什麼都有彈性,我們被要求的愈多,可以完成的就愈多。」– 泰倫.愛德華茲 (神學家)
elastic (adj.) 彈性的,有伸縮性的。oblige (v.) 迫使,使 (某人) 非做不可。例:Many parents feel obliged to pay for part of the wedding. (許多家長認為他們必須支付孩子部份的婚禮費用。)
泰倫.愛德華茲 (1809-1894) 是美國神學家,以出版「思想字典」(A Dictionary of Thoughts) 一書聞名。他是著名神學家喬納森.愛德華茲的曾孫,出版其佈道書籍。

