
Mystery bank heist is flashback to Berlin’s murky underworld 神秘銀行搶案令人回想起柏林隱晦不明的地下世界

A hidden tunnel, a fake Dutch passport, and strewn contents of smashed up safe-deposit boxes are among the clues confounding police in Berlin trying to solve a bank heist that recalls the German capital’s past as a hotbed of crime and espionage.


Police in the city said a group of criminals toiled in secret for months from an adjacent underground garage. They dug a 45-meter tunnel before breaking into the vault at a Berliner Volksbank eG outlet in the Steglitz-Zehlendorf area.


The perpetrators probably used picks and shovels to dig out 120 tons of earth and build the cavity, stabilized with props and sidewalls three meters below the ground, and penetrated the vault’s 80 centimeter-thick reinforced concrete back wall with a water-cooled core drill, police said.


They made off without a trace after raiding more than 300 deposit boxes on the weekend of Jan. 12.


"My first reaction when I saw the pictures of the tunnel was hats off, good job," said Fabian Remspecher, a construction engineering specialist at Berlin’s Technical University.



murky:形容詞,陰暗的、模糊不清的、朦朧的,不名譽的。例句:She has a murky past.(她有一段不光彩的過去。)

toil:動詞或名詞,辛苦工作、艱難地行進。例句:We toil long hours every day to raise our children.(我們每天長時間辛苦工作以撫養我們的孩子。)

make off:動詞片語,逃走;make off with:搶或偷走。例句:The bandits made off with $50 million worth of gems.(強盜搶走價值5000萬美元的珠寶逃逸。)

