

“Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement.”
– Florence Scovel Shinn, Spiritual Teacher
– 佛羅倫斯.斯科維爾.希恩 (心靈導師)

manifestation (n.) 展露,實現。例:Manifestation of the disease usually doesn’t occur until middle ages. (此疾病的症狀通常要到中年才會顯露出來。) apparent (adj.) 表面的,表像的。例:his apparent lack of interest (他表面上的興致缺缺)。discouragement (n.) 氣餒,沮喪。

佛羅倫斯.斯科維爾.希恩 (1871-1940) 早期為美國插圖畫家,後來成為新思想 (New Thought) 心靈導師及玄學作家,著有 The Game of Life and How to Play It ,中譯本為《健康、財富與愛的人生祕密》。

