
女子吃3層漢堡掉下巴 Woman dislocates jaw eating triple-decker burger

A woman had to have her jaw reset after dislocating it while eating a triple-decker burger. 一名女子吃3層漢堡時下巴脫臼,必須接骨。 Nicola Peate, from Ormskirk, Lancashire, injured herself while eating at Liverpool’s Almost Famous restaurant on 8 August. 來自英國蘭開夏郡奧姆斯科克的妮可拉.皮特,8月8日在利物浦「小有名氣」餐廳吃飯時讓自己受傷。 Ms Peate, 25, who has a syndrome which makes her joints unstable, was treated at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital the next day. She said she would be "more conscious of the size of food in future". 25歲的皮特小姐有種症狀會導致關節不穩定。(吃漢堡導致下巴脫臼的)隔天,她在利物浦大學皇家醫院接受治療。她說,以後她「吃這麼大的食物時會小心一點」。 Emergency department clinical director Kathryn Clark said dislocations such as Ms Peate’s were "rare". "I hope that in future, she takes more care when eating over-sized burgers," she said. She added that "if food is too large, we would recommend cutting it into more manageable chunks". 急診部臨床主任克拉克說,像皮特小姐這樣的下巴脫臼相當「罕見」。「我希望她以後吃超大漢堡時更小心一點。」她還說,「如果食物太大,我們會建議切成幾塊,比較容易吃」。 新聞辭典 dislocate:動詞,脫臼。例句:The doctor set my dislocated arm back.(醫生把我脫臼的手臂接回去。) conscious:形容詞,察覺到的。例句:The tooth doesn’t exactly hurt, but I’m conscious of it all the time.(牙齒其實不痛,只是我時時都能感覺到。) manageable:形容詞,可處理的。例句:Government targets for increased productivity are described as "tough but manageable".(政府提高生產力的目標被形容為「艱難但可處理」。)

