
Antibacterial soap may hinder muscle function:study 研究︰抗菌皂可能阻礙肌肉功能

A chemical found in soap, toothpaste, clothes and toys may cause muscle problems and should be used with caution, experts have said.


Researchers found an antibacterial agent, called triclosan, hampers muscle function in animals and fish and may have implications for human health.


After testing the substance on mice and fish they found muscle strength was reduced, including heart function and fish were unable to swim as well. The findings were published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Isaac Pessah, professor and chair of the Department of Molecular Biosciences in the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and principal investigator of the study, said:"Triclosan is found in virtually everyone’s home and is pervasive in the environment."


In experiments the researchers exposed animals and fish to levels of triclosan equivalent to that which people may receive daily. The team also found that triclosan impairs heart and skeletal muscle contractility in living animals.


Nipavan Chiamvimonvat, professor of cardiovascular medicine at UC Davis and a study co-author, said:"Although triclosan is not regulated as a drug, this compound acts like a potent cardiac depressant in our models."



hamper︰動詞,妨礙、阻礙。例句︰They tried to hamper her from getting elected by blackening her name.(他們抹黑她的名譽,試圖阻礙她當選。)

impair︰動詞,損害、損傷。例句︰The accident impaired her vision.(該事故損傷了她的視力。)

potent︰形容詞,強有力的。例句︰He has been a potent force in musical history.(他在音樂史上一直有舉足輕重的影響力。)

