
Childhood TV addicts more likely to commit crime: study /研究:兒童期電視上癮者較可能犯罪

Children who watch excessive amounts of television are more likely to have criminal convictions and show aggressive personality traits as adults, a New Zealand study has found.


The University of Otago study tracked the viewing habits of about 1,000 children born in the early 1970s from when they were aged five to 15, then followed up when the subjects were 26 years old to assess potential impacts. The research, published in the US journal "Pediatrics" this week, found a strong correlation between childhood exposure to television and anti-social behaviour in young adults.


"The risk of having a criminal conviction by early adulthood increased by about 30 percent with every hour that children spent watching television on an average weeknight," co-author Bob Hancox said.


The study also found excessive TV viewing was linked to aggressive personality traits and an increased tendency to experience negative emotions. (AFP)



addict:名詞,上癮者。例句:I’m a chocolate addict.(我對巧克力上癮。)

excessive:形容詞,過量。例句:Excessive exercise can sometimes cause health problems.(過度運動有時候會導致健康問題。)

aggressive:形容詞,侵犯的、挑釁的。例句:If I criticize him, he gets aggressive and starts shouting.(如果我批評他,他就會抓狂,開始大吼。)

