
For the Love of Matzu 全台瘋媽祖 偕伴遶境去

She is known and loved by millions in Asia and is called the patron saint of Taiwan. Matzu was once a real person who lived in China long ago. One day, she had a vision that her father and brother were caught in a storm at sea. Legend has it that Matzu magically went into a trance. While in this sleep-like state, her spirit went to save her family members. However, her mother saw her sleeping body and tried to wake her. When that happened, Matzu dropped her father, but luckily, she was still able to rescue her brother.
Today, Matzu is worshipped as a goddess of the sea and the protector of fishermen and sailors. Temples can be found in many fishing towns and on the coast of many Asian countries. Followers are very devoted to her because she is also said to be Guanyin who had come back to life.


The biggest event celebrating Matzu’s birthday is a nine-day pilgrimage made by believers. It begins at the Jenn Lann Temple, where the most beloved statue of Matzu sits. During the pilgrimage, the statue is put in a sedan chair and carried from Dajia in Taichung to Chiayi and back again. A lot of people try to touch it for good luck, and they even kneel down in a line to have Matzu bless them as the chair passes overhead. The pilgrimage attracts over one million people to Taiwan each year. They come from Japan, Korea, and Thailand, just to name a few.
The events honoring the goddess inspire people in many ways, and Matzu’s courage and dedication are examples everyone can be proud to follow.


◎legend has it + that 子句  傳說/據說……
Legend has it that Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to the poor.
◎state (n.) 狀態,狀況
◎rescue (vt.( 拯救,救援
◎worship (vt.) 敬奉(神);景仰
Kyle worshipped the famous director and dreamed of making his own movie one day.



