

“You have to believe in yourself, that’s the secret. Even when I was in the orphanage, when I was roaming the street trying to find enough to eat, even then I thought of myself as the greatest actor in the world.”
– Charlie Chaplin, Comic Actor


– 查理‧卓别林 (喜劇演員)

orphanage (n.) 孤兒院。roam (v.) 漫遊,流浪。例:We spent the day roaming around in the city. (我們整天在市區裡漫遊。)

查理‧卓别林 (1889-1977) 在第一次世界大戰前是全球最出名的演員,他自導、自演、自編默劇,是默劇片最具創造力及影響力的人物之一。在第一、第二次世界大戰、及經濟大恐慌 (Great Depression) 期間,他提供了歡笑給最多的人。

