

“Fantasies are more than substitutes for unpleasant reality; they are also dress rehearsals, plans. All acts performed in the world begin in the imagination.”
– Barbara Grizzuti Harrison, Journalist


– 芭芭拉‧哈裏森 (記者)
fantasy (n.) 幻想,想像。例:Susan lived in a fantasy world of her own. (蘇珊活在她自己的幻想世界。) substitute (n.) 替代品,替代人。unpleasant (adj.) 使人不快的,不愉快的;pleasant (adj.) 愉快的。dress rehearsal 真正表演前的最後一次演練。perform (v.) 執行,做。例:The doctor performed an emergency operation. (醫生做了一個緊急手術。)

芭芭拉‧哈裏森 (1934-2002) 為美國散文家及記者,曾經為《紐約時報》及《洛杉磯時報》撰寫文章,而她的自傳及旅行著作也廣受歡迎。

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