
Singapore goes green with Lunar New Year red packets 新加坡用農曆新年紅包保護環境

Clean and green Singapore is going even greener this Chinese New Year, recycling S$2 bills for red packets of money alongside the printing of new ones.


Giving out the little packets, or "lai see", with crisp new notes during the Lunar New Year is a long-standing tradition. Adults typically give them to children, older relatives and unmarried siblings to wish them good luck for the coming year.


As well as printing millions of brand new $2 notes as it has done in the past, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the wealthy Southeast Asian city-state’s central bank, said it will issue older notes that look as good as new and encourage the public to use them.


"The accumulation of excess $2 polymer notes and their destruction before the end of their lifespan is a waste of precious resources and is not environmentally friendly," the MAS said.


Singapore only needs around 50 million $2 notes in circulation. Printing the excess notes just for the Lunar New Year consumes 10 tonnes of ink and uses enough electricity to power an entire apartment block for six months, it added.


Most of the notes find their way back into the banks soon after the New Year festivities anyway, as people put them in their savings.



long-standing︰形容詞,長時間的、為時甚久的。例句︰Anti-nuclear power plant is my long-standing position.(反核電是我一貫的立場。)

accumulation︰名詞,堆積、累積、積聚。例句︰The accumulation of wealth is not the central focus of her life.(累積財富不是她人生的重心。)

excess︰名詞、形容詞,超過、過量。例句︰Excess at table is seldom healthful.(暴飲暴食總是無益於健康。)

