
Subway ’’crisis’’:Is footlong sub really 11 inches? Subway「危機」︰1呎長潛艇堡真的是11吋?

Subway, the world’s largest fast food chain with 38,000 locations, is facing widespread criticism after a man who appears to be from Australia posted a photo on the company’s Facebook page of one of its footlong sandwiches next to a tape measure that shows the sub is falls an inch short.


More than 100,000 people have ’’liked’’ or commented on the photo, which had the caption "Subway pls respond." Lookalike pictures popped up elsewhere on Facebook. And The New York Post conducted its own investigation that found that four out of seven footlong sandwiches that it measured were shy of 12 inches(304 millimeters)that makes a foot.


Subway said that the length of its sandwiches may vary slightly when its bread, which is baked at each Subway location, is not made to the chain’s exact specifications.


The photograph – and the backlash – illustrates a challenge companies face with the growth of social media sites like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Before, someone in far flung local in Australia would not be able to cause such a stir.


But comments by other Facebook users about the photo ran the gamut from outrage to indifference to amusement. One commenter urged people to "chill out." And one man posted a photo of his foot in a sock next to a Subway sandwich to show it was shorter than a "foot."(AP)



backlash︰動詞、名詞,強烈反應、強烈反彈。例句︰If he moved too quickly, he might provoke a backlash from the diehards.(如果他操之過急,可能引發死硬派的強烈反彈。)

run the gamut︰慣用語/動詞片語,包羅萬象、形形色色、五花八門。例句︰Mail order complaints run the gamut from long delays to refund problems.(對郵購的抱怨形形色色,從遲不交貨到退款問題都有。)

chill out︰慣用語/動詞片語,放鬆、冷靜。例句︰You need to chill out for a bit.(你需要放鬆一下。)

