
我主張你不但可以笑看逆境,而且還是必要的,如果你想面對挫折而不被擊敗。“I contend that not only can you laugh at adversity, but it is essential to do so if you are to deal with setbacks without defeat.”

“I contend that not only can you laugh at adversity, but it is essential to do so if you are to deal with setbacks without defeat.”
– Allen Klein, Record Label Executive
「我主張你不但可以笑看逆境,而且還是必要的,如果你想面對挫折而不被擊敗。」– 艾倫‧克萊恩 (唱片公司總裁)
艾倫‧克萊恩 (1931-2009) 是美國星探與唱片公司經理人,他的客戶包括 The Rolling Stones (滾石) 及 The Beatles (披頭四)。

