
為自己設定一個高標準,比其他人要求你做到的還要高!如此一來,你的老闆是嚴格還是寬鬆將不再重要,競爭是否嚴峻也不再重要,因為你將與自己競爭。Set higher standards for your own performance than anyone around you, and it won’t matter whether you have a tough boss or an easy one. It won’t matter whether the competition is pushing you hard, because you’ll be competing with yourself.


–里克‧皮提諾(Rick Pitino),籃球教練
Set higher standards for your own performance than anyone around you, and it won’t matter whether you have a tough boss or an easy one. It won’t matter whether the competition is pushing you hard, because you’ll be competing with yourself.

