
你所想要擁有的美德,假設它已經是你的了,佔有它,成為那個樣子並飾演好該角色,就像傑出的演員沉浸於… 他所扮演的那部分。“The virtue you would like to have, assume it is already yours, appropriate it, enter into the part and live the character just as the great actor is absorbed in… the part he plays.”

“The virtue you would like to have, assume it is already yours, appropriate it, enter into the part and live the character just as the great actor is absorbed in… the part he plays.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson, Poet
「你所想要擁有的美德,假設它已經是你的了,佔有它,成為那個樣子並飾演好該角色,就像傑出的演員沉浸於… 他所扮演的那部分。」– 拉爾夫‧愛默生 (詩人)
 拉爾夫‧愛默生 (1803-1882) 是美國思想家、演說家、作家及詩人,在 19 世紀中藉由演說及發表文章領導美國的「超驗主義」運動 (Transcendentalism movement),主張一種理想的精神狀態會超越 (transcend) 人的肉體及經驗,且是藉由直覺而不是宗教來達成,對美國文化有深遠的影響。

